All things urine, from diagnosing different conditions and levels, to detecting and cleaning with bio enzyme cleaners.
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Complete Feline Diabetes Starter Kit
The whole kitten caboodle …
Old Price: $91.77
Price: $87.00
Sometimes you may just want to test for glucose or ketones in your cat’s urine rather than take a blood sample. Keto-diastix test for glucose and ketones using the one urine sample.
Price: $8.95
Revolutionary new product that makes collecting urine samples easy. The reliable way to collect urine samples from your cat.
Price: $6.95
Urine Free All-In-One Pet Urine and Stain Remover
Containing bio-enzymes, this product completely removes residual cat urine smells.
Price: $23.00
Urine Free Urine Detector
Easily locates those hard to find urine deposits using ultraviolet light. Great for UTI cats!
Price: $29.95